Don’t Let Bed Bugs Bite
Bed bugs are commonly linked to warmer climates, yet they can adapt to a range of environments. Once these pests infest your mattress or furniture, the task of removing them becomes notably challenging. Therefore, it's crucial to address an infestation promptly. Recognizing their presence is a fundamental step in bed bug management, as taking action before they cause extensive damage in your home is essential. If left unattended until they reach the infestation stage, eliminating these pests becomes nearly impossible.
Let us understand the signs of infestation:
The clearest indication is skin bites. Unlike a flea bite, the ones from a bed bug often show up in groups.
Every living creature, even bed bugs, excretes waste. When you observe black spots and stains, it's a mixture of their feces and the skin they shed as the babies become adults.
Due to their small size and pale color, egg shells can be challenging to detect. However, remain vigilant for minute ivory specks on your bed, furniture, or carpet.
You might catch sight of these creatures occasionally, and while they are quite small, careful observation could reveal them. After they’ve fed, they’ll be bigger, redder, and easier to see.
Home Remedies to get rid of Bed Bugs
Vinegar is a key home remedy for bed bugs, as its components can harm the nervous system of bed bugs. Apply white distilled vinegar on mattress edges and corners or objects at risk. Spraying vinegar on bed bugs can limit their movement.
Rubbing alcohol can kill insects by dissolving their cells, particularly bed bugs. However, it's only 50% effective because bed bugs are more active at night. Be cautious of the fire risk since rubbing alcohol is flammable, and a patch test is recommended.
Sprinkle borax on your mattress, furniture cracks, and corners to slow down infestation. You can also mix borax with water in a spray bottle and suffocate bed bugs by applying it to your mattress. Wash clothes and bedding in hot water with borax to eliminate any remaining bugs.
The primary and commonly used approach for bed bug control is to purchase a zippered mattress cover designed to keep bed bugs out.Bed bugs typically inhabit our mattresses, as it's an ideal place for them to feed on us while we sleep. A mattress cover encases the entire mattress, including the top, bottom, and all sides, preventing new bed bugs from entering and causing those already inside to perish.
You can also eliminate bed bugs by washing your bed linens, including the bedding and pillows, at the highest temperature supported by high-quality washing machines.
Another home remedy for eliminating bed bugs involves using baking soda. Baking soda works by dehydrating the bugs through moisture removal. Simply sprinkle a thin layer of baking soda in the areas where you suspect these pests are harboring.
With a recent increase in bed bug infestations in Paris and global reports of a resurgence, worries about bed bugs have been growing.Remember that while these remedies can help manage bed bug problems, a severe infestation may require professional pest control assistance.